Mo., 20. Feb.
Haredi feminist activism: a candid discussion
Join us for an open conversation with Pnina Pfeuffer, founder and CEO of New Haredim and Esty Shoshan, a Haredi and Mizrachi social activist and entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Nivcharot – Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Women for Voice and Equality.
Zeit & Ort
20. Feb. 2023, 19:00 MEZ – 21. Feb. 2023, 20:30 MEZ
Über die Veranstaltung
In der zweiten Ausgabe der Eventreihe "Israel at 75: Civil society speaks up" beleuchten wir das Engagement ultra-orthodoxer Frauen in Israel und sprechen dazu mit zwei führenden Aktivistinnen aus der haredischen feministischen Community. Das Webinar findet in Englisch statt und wird daher nachfolgend ausführlich in Englisch vorgestellt. Zur Teilnahme können Sie sich hier registrieren.
To outsiders, Ultra-Orthodox (“Haredi”) women are often perceived as one of the most marginalized groups within Israeli society. Deprived of the right to assume an active role in Haredi political parties, their voice is absent from Israeli politics. Or at least has been. In recent years, a culture of activism among Haredi communities in Israel, particularly among Haredi women, has begun to take shape, calling for the integration of progressive values within their communities and demanding a place at the political negotiation table.
The New Israel Fund (NIF) Germany and Bet Debora invite you to a talk with two inspiring forerunners of Haredi feminist activism in Israel: Pnina Pfeuffer, founder and CEO of New Haredim and Esty Shoshan, a Haredi and Mizrachi social activist and entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Nivcharot – Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Women for Voice and Equality. Guided by their own personal experiences, the discussion will touch upon the meaning of feminism and activism in a Haredi society, look at the changes they aspire to introduce into Israeli politics, and consider several burning issues pertaining to the identity of Israeli society and to the place of the Haredi communities within it, such as: gender equality, integration of “secular” subjects (i.e., mathematics, English, and Hebrew) within the Haredi school system, participation in academia, the labour market and in the army.
The event will be moderated by Norli Lappin-Eppel, Chair of NIF Austria and Chair of Bet Debora Vienna. The discussion and the Q&A will be held in English.
To attend please register here.