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Di., 13. Apr.


The Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

Sharing Sorrow, Bringing Hope

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The Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony
The Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

Zeit & Ort

13. Apr. 2021, 19:30 MESZ

Über die Veranstaltung

This year, too - for the 16th time - we will be holding the joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony. Like the entire world, our ceremony too has changed due to Covid19, and this year, like last year, the ceremony will be broadcast live online. Last year our message reached just about 200,000 people. This year, we aim to reach even more. And this year again, as always, we turn to you, our partners. We know that the message we bring, a message of reconciliation and dialogue, is important to you too, and unfortunately, it is not heard enough. That is why it is important for us to declare in a firm and clear voice, without shame: the way of dialogue and reconciliation trumps the way of hatred and war! These days, when fear blinds many, we turn to you for help - you who refuse to succumb to the threats and messages of intimidation, who agree to face the true reality, who know that our way is not only worthy, but also possible. Donate to us, so that we may bring to the world your message, our message.

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